Stoyan » 2014-04-30 09:42:12

Опубликован 13 апреля 2014 года. а это около 100 тыс новостных сюжетов 20 века.

уже есть кое какие тематические подборки

два видеосюжета посвященных итальянскому изобретению.

Selected Originals Sport News - Odd Bicycle (1956)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Sport News - Odd Bicycle" 56/9
Italian edition which is slightly different to the original item having a couple of extra shots. The voice over is in Italian and there is a different music track. There are no titles
Inventor cycling towards camera and passes. CU. Rider dismantling and lifting machine up on to stand. SCU. Inventor explaining and demonstrating to people. CU. Inventor speaking. SCU. Inventor explaining and pointing out the pedals. CU. Pedals being moved and pans over to rear wheel revolving. CU. Driver's seat, looking down to pedals moving. CU. Spectator looking. SCU. Inventor assembling hood and windscreen for wet weather and mounting quick flash montage of hood going up CU. Spectator CU. Driver closing hood. SCU. Driver all covered up moving away from camera. CU. Driver, all covered up cycling and passing camera.

Sport News - Odd Bicycle (1956)
Inventor of the new comfortable bicycle cycling towards and past camera. CU. Rider dismantling and lifting machine up on to stand. SCU. Inventor explaining and demonstrating to people his invention. CU. Inventor speaking. SCU. Inventor explaining and pointing out the pedals. CU. Pedals being moved, camera pans over to rear wheel revolving. CU. Driver's seat, looking down to pedals moving. CU. Spectator looking. SCU. Inventor assembling hood and windscreen for wet weather and mounting. CU. Driver closing hood. SCU. Driver all covered up moving away from camera. CU. Driver, all covered up cycling and passing camera.

Ульяновский Вениамин Вени » 2014-05-09 01:15:08

Спасибо вам, Stoyan,  огромное что раскопали такие бесценные ссылки!!!
Я впервые увидел раритетный веломобиль-стримлайнер "Торсо-2" Г.Георгиева в движении, да и его самого в те молодые годы.